About the exhibition / 展覧会概要

Tomoko Hayashi | Reweaving the Rainbow’ was held as part of the ‘Support for Young Creators/Grant Program’ conducted by the Nishieda Foundation, a Public Interest Incorporated Foundation.

Zuiun-an stands in the Kamigamo district of Kyoto, where historical landscapes extend far and wide. A solo exhibition by artist Tomoko Hayashi (1980-) will be held against the backdrop of this stately home, which still houses a tearoom, storehouse, and beautiful gardens. 

Up until now, Hayashi, who studied dyeing and weaving in Kyoto, has presented works interposed with physicality under the theme of the universal emotions that are created between people. These works have sometimes made use of cutting-edge technology. Hayashi, who returned to Kyoto after having created works both at home and abroad, touches on the abundance of nature and ancient history, and uses the various relationships born through communion with them as clues for facing her own existence. 

In this exhibition, which follows the diary left by her grandfather, Hayashi takes as her source of inspiration her observations of the thermal phenomena of Mt. Aso (which continues to be an active volcano even now), plants which it is feared will become endangered in Kyoto, and flowers that have coevolved and blossomed in botanical gardens. She is also inspired by Midorogaike Pond, which contains lifeforms from the Ice Age, the stones that carry the history of the Kamo River, and the Kegon philosophy(Huayan school of Buddhism) which influences her approach to art. Drawing upon this, the exhibition includes new works such as photographs, textiles, fragrances, and installations based on interactive works, and gives consideration to the rhythm of life that flickers in the eternity of nature, human activities, and creative endeavors.

The poet John Keats once lamented Newton’s discovery of the spectrum of light as the unraveling of the rainbow and the loss of its poetic beauty. Is it possible to weave this unraveled rainbow once again? Hayashi reorganizes different fields such as nature, science, art, and thought from her own unique perspective, and presents them as cosmic textiles.

What kind of relationship will you form with the world when a new rainbow appears?

林 智子 虹の再織     
 tomoko hayashi | reweaving the rainbow






林 智子 / Tomoko Hayashi
京都精華大学芸術学部卒業、ロンドン大学セントラル・セント・マーティン ズ・カレッジ・オブ・アート・アンド・デザイン修士課程修了。 主な展覧会に「Touch me」(ヴィクトリア&アルバート美術館、ロンドン、2005)「現代美術の皮膚」(国立国際美術館、大阪、2007)「sweet memory」(京都芸術センター、2011)「STANCE or DISTANCE?わたしと世界をつなぐ距離」(熊本市現代美術館、2015)、「Taoyuan Arts×Technology」 (タオユアン・アート・センター、台湾、2018)「Microwave New Media Arts Festival」(香港シティホール、2019)「TAKUMI CRAFT CONNECTION」(建仁寺両足院、京都、2019)、「Ethereal Beings」(Farmoon、京都、2020)など。
Tomoko Hayashi Website

主催:「林 智子 Reweaving the rainbow」展実行委員会 

協力:京都府立植物園、京都大学火山研究センター、 京都大学防災研究所、京都大学理学研究科 測地学研究室、深泥池水生生物研究会、公益財団法人京都市都市緑化協会、ハムズオフィス、京都精華大学芸術学部芸術研究科、京都芸術大学アートプロデュース学科、神戸大学美術史研究室

芦田彩葵 / Aki Ashida
神戸大学文学部卒業、ロンドン大学ゴールドスミス・カレッジ・ディプロマ取得、神戸大学大学院博士課程修了。博士(文学)。専門は近現代西洋美術史、現代美術。2006-2019年まで熊本市現代美術館に学芸員として勤務。主な企画展に同館での「荒木経惟 熊本ララバイ」(2008-2009)、「小谷元彦展 幽体の知覚」(2011)、「Welcome to the Jungle 熱々!東南アジアの現代美術」(2013)、「STANCE or DISTANCE? わたしと世界をつなぐ距離」(2015)など。共著に『不朽の名画を読み解く』(ナツメ社、2010)、『美術史歴参』(中央公論美術出版、2013)など。「Art Project KOBE 2019: TRANS- 」キュレーター。



会期:2021年5月1日(土)- 5月30日(日)観覧無料

会場 - 瑞雲庵 (京都市北区上賀茂南大路町62-1)

開場時間:月金土日祝|10:00 - 18:00 
休館日 : 火水木