
prurient apparitions or beautiful contrivances, Murin-an, Kyoto

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液体6. R0029671のコピー.jpg

prurient apparitions or beautiful contrivances

A little south of Zuiunan, the venue for the exhibition "Reweaving the Rainbow ", you will find the Kyoto Botanical Garden, Japan's oldest public botanical garden. Since returning to Kyoto, she has been to this botanical garden many times, especially in the greenhouse. During that time, she came across the orchid "Angraecum sesquipedare" that grows on the trees in the jungle of Madagascar. With a very long distance of white petals and nectar lines, this flower scents on a moonlit night and seduces a long-beaked hawkmoth.

Darwin encountered this flower during the Great Voyage, predicted that there would be pollinators matching its shape from its special form, and claimed it as a co-evolutionary model that evolved over the years.

She was interested in this intimate and special relationship that had been nurtured in secret, so she collected aromas at the botanical garden specially for this exhibition. The scent data collected there was scientifically analyzed and then formulated as a fragrance through the perfumer's sensibility. The viewer inserts a chain that imitates the beak of a moth into this flower-shaped scented dispenser and smells its wild and complex scent.

Material: Custom fragrance, brass flower, grandfather's seismic instruments, agate stones, crystals, chains



その時間の中で出逢ったのが、マダガスカル島の密林の木に着生する蘭「アング レクム・セスキペダレ」である。白い花びらと蜜線を蓄えた非常に長い距を持つこの花は月夜に芳香し、くちばしの長いスズメガを誘惑する。





素材:真鍮の花、祖父の地震観測器具、瑪瑙石、水晶、チェーン、 フレグランス

from the exhibition Reweaving the Rainbow
curated by Aki Ashida
