Lila - Everything is a temporary play of particles | 2023

Medium : 17 mins of audio visual installation
sound of sand in the water of Kizu River, sand and water of Kizu River, Japanese mirror (bronze mirror), thin section of lunar meteorite, thin section of rock from Kizu River, optical lens for photon experiments,

Kizugawa City, the site of this exhibition, has been blessed with beautiful mountains and rivers since ancient times. It is a region with a rich history that still preserves the temples and stone Buddhas strongly influenced by Buddhism in the southern capital of Nara. In the past, satoyama, temples, shrines, and Buddhist temples between the mountains and the city loosely connected people with the natural world, but now, with the significant changes that have taken place in Gakkentoshi and New Town, the boundary between man and nature seems to be becoming more pronounced.

In this work, the artist has created an installation based on bamboo lilies, an ancient species she encountered during her fieldwork. These lilies, which bloom quietly in the wind in the satoyama of Kaseyama, are said to be a mountain from which the gods descend. The sand of the Kizu River, which has been moving and changing the land since time immemorial, has also been incorporated into the installation.

The sand in the water of the Kizu River is always in motion, being carried, deposited and repeatedly scraped away before returning to the ocean.

At the heart of the installation is Kaseyama, a divine mountain where man and nature have shared a deep connection since ancient times. Even today, a few bamboo grass lilies bloom quietly in the wind, a testament to the enduring bond between man and nature.

The Vairocana Buddha of the Kegon Sutra, one of the teachings of Nanto Buddhism, and Dainichi Nyorai, the principal deity of the Shingon sect, are both presented as the Buddha of the Radiance of the Sun. Their light is the light of wisdom and comets, illuminating and filling all sentient beings with light. This is expressed as 'one equals one and all equals one' and 'all things are made up of unrelated relationships (karma)', which is called the Dharma realm of karma, a key concept in Buddhism.

In addition to worshipping Buddhist statues and stone Buddhas, the artist visited the Institute of Photon Science. Here she was able to see the workings of the invisible molecular and quantum levels through the irradiation of nano-, pico- and femto (dust, vague and momentary) light for extremely short periods of time. This experience inspired her to create this installation as it allowed her to approach the mystery of the Big Bang of the Universe, a theme that resonates with the ephemeral nature of the bamboo lilies and the sand of the Kizu River.

This installation is a sensory journey, inviting you to experience it with all five senses. It aims to awaken our innate ability to listen to the 'voices' of the world and nature, and to heighten our sensitivity to the joy of communion with them.

Lila - 光の粒子たちであり、また波たちであるものの終わりなき戯れ | 2023

素材 : 17分のオーディオ・ヴィジュアル・インスタレーション。

三香の原 久迩の都は 山高み 川の瀬清み 住みよしと 人は言へども ありよしと 我れは思へど 古りにし 里にしあれば 国見れど 人も通はず 里見れば 家も荒れたり はしけやし かくありけるか みもろつく 鹿背山の際に 咲く花の 色めづらしく 百鳥の 声なつかしく ありが欲し 住みよき里の 荒るらく惜しも
万葉集 田辺福麻呂


 本作品では、フィールドワークを通して出逢った、神の降臨する山とされてきた鹿背山(かせやま)の里山にひっそりと風に揺られながら咲く笹百合 (古来種)や、太古より常に動き、土地を変化しつづけている木津川の砂をモチーフにしたインスタレーション作品を制作する。木津川の水の中の砂は常に動いており、運ばれては堆積し、また削られることを繰り返しながら、大海へと還ってゆく。そしてその川の瀬に、古来、人と自然とが交わり合う里山がある神の山、鹿背山(かせやま)がある。そこには今もひっそりと風にゆられる数輪の笹百合が咲いている。




本作品は、フィールドワークを通して出逢った、太古より常に動き変化しつづける木津川の砂の音や、川の瀬に立つ「神の降臨する山」として人々に愛され続けてきた鹿背山(かせやま)の里山に、ひっそりと揺れながら咲く笹百合 (日本固有種)をモチーフにしたインスタレーション作品である。

Sound : 東岳志
Image Numerization: 菅原麻衣
Coding : 小片隆久
Mirror : 山本晃久
Research Support : 竹門康弘・加藤史江・外売募
Thin Section : 松岡廣繁・高谷真樹
Interview : 西念寺 田辺英夫
Light Consultant : 小川ユウキ
Special Thanks :