
Ethereal Voices - Meirin


Ethereal Voices - Meirin | 2024

Medium: Crystal radio, a stone from New Mexico, sounds (interview audio)

This work is installed at the end of a small room in the back of the gallery South. 

It is an interactive work in which the viewer wears headphones of a crystal radio displayed on a desk, and places the receiver’s needle on the crystal in search of faint sounds to detect. 

The crystal radio was inspired by a description written by the artist’s grandfather in the 1930s when he was working as an earthquake observer at the Volcano Research Institute in Aso, Japan, and in his lonely life atop a mountain, he built his own radio to connect with the outside world. 

For the exhibition that she participated in at the Contemporary Art Museum Kumamoto in 2015, the artist collaborated with her father to create this piece using a crystal from her childhood near Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA, a small town in the desert developed to develop an atomic bomb. 

This crystal radio, which disappeared in the 1940s with the development of germanium diodes and other devices, was the earliest system of radios, which did not use electricity, but instead allowed AM radio reception through headphones containing minerals, coils, and salt crystals. In this exhibition, the audio of the artist’s interview with the volunteer staff at Kyoto Art Center about his memories of the mud is faintly audible.

Ethereal Voices - Meirin | 2024




この鉱石ラジオは、1930年代に作家の祖父が阿蘇の火山研究所で地震観測の仕事に就いていた時、孤独な山頂での生活の中で外の世界とのつながりを求め自作し、そのかすかな音に耳を傾けたと書かれた記述を着想源に作られた作品である。 2015年に熊本市現代美術館で参加した「Stance or Distance」 展のために作家が父と協働し、彼女が幼少期を過ごした、原子爆弾の開発を目的として発展した砂漠の中にある小さな街、アメリカのニューメキシコ州、ロスアラモスの近くで採れた鉱石を用いて制作した。

この鉱石ラジオはゲルマニウムダイオードなどの開発により1940年代には姿を消したが、 ラジオの一番最初のシステムで、電気を使わずに鉱物とコイルと塩の結晶が入ったヘッドフォンでAMラジオを受信できるものである。


Special Thanks : Toshiki Matsuura, Fumio Hayashi