
Ethereal voices, Zuiun-an, Kyoto

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Ethereal voices

In the artist's grandfather's diary, there is a telephone conversation between her and her family when she was young on weekends is written. At the exhibition "Reweaving the Rainbow" (Zuiunan, Kyoto, 2021), an old black telephone that was once used for conversation with her grandfather is placed beside the attic of the venue. The viewer utters a message to the people who can no longer meet to the handset of the black telephone, and the voice becomes a radio wave and propagates in the air. The message is received by a crystal radio placed in the back of the room with a time difference and delivered as a faint voice.

In her grandfather’s autobiography, he wrote that he once made a crystal radio when he was still a teenager, observing earthquakes and volcanoes in a lonely environment on Mt. Aso, in search of a connection with the outside world. The artist made it with her father on the occasion of what she learned in the book.





顕微鏡、賀茂川の石の薄片(石炭紀・玄武岩)、鉱石ラジオ(ニューメ キシコの石)、黒電話

from the exhibition Reweaving the Rainbow

curated by Aki Ashida

Photo: Masaki Tada

【黒電話・録音機制作協力】ハムズオフィス 松浦俊樹