
Ethereal Beings, Farmoon, Kyoto


Ethereal Beings

The ancient Greeks once had a word for the upper layer of luminous air, aether, which was also said to be 'the eternal and pristine realm to which the soul reaches'. In physics from the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, along with various hypotheses, this invisible, ultra-transparent ether fills the spaces between all things, no matter how far apart they are, it was thought to be a medium that connects everything. Due to Einstein's theory of relativity, the existence of the ether disappeared from the world of science, but crystal radios were originally created by people who believed in its existence, and are now on display and to be experienced at the "Ethereal Beings" exhibition at Farmoon.

In the 1930s, when my grandfather was working as an earthquake observer at the Volcano Research Institute in Aso, he lived a lonely life on a mountaintop, seeking a connection with the outside world. I made this with my father for the "Stance or Distance" exhibition that I participated in at the Contemporary Art Museum, Kumamoto in 2015. It was made using crystals mined near Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA, where I spent my childhood, a small town in the desert that was developed for the purpose of developing an atomic bomb. This crystal radio disappeared in the 1940s due to the development of germanium diodes.

Another thing that appeared at the same time and made people happy was uranium glass. A very small amount of uranium is added as a coloring agent, and the radioactivity emitted from the glass changes to a beautiful fluorescent green wavelength that can be seen by the human eye when exposed to ultraviolet rays in the morning and evening. This uranium glass was also born in the Czech Republic in 1830, and then spread all over the world, but during World War II, the United States and others issued an order to procure uranium for the development of atomic bombs. The ban abruptly ended in the 1940s.

Both have been forgotten in the current scientific progress, warfare, and modern rationalism. They exist in a time that transcends, and they are related to and influence each other in this world, including our own.

In this exhibition, along with these things that fascinated people in the past but have been forgotten today, I will present a variety of colors of silk that are born every day at Farmoon, a place where light and wind pass through and people interact through food. Using silk organza, uranium beads suspended with five-colored threads extracted from organza, and the voices and sounds of people who have visited and are related to this place heard through the crystal radio, we have created a work that is invisible but exists. I try to sublimate these objects into works that can be felt through physicality.

かつて古代ギリシャにはエーテル(aether)という輝く空気の上層を表す言葉があり、またそれは’魂がたどり着く永遠の汚れのない領域である’とも言われていた。19世紀から20世紀初頭までの物理学では、様々な仮説とともに、この目に見えない超高透明なエーテルは万物の間を満たすものであり、どんなに離れた場所にある複数の物質や人の心をも繋ぐ媒質だと考えられていたのであった。アインシュタインの相対性理論の発表により、エーテルの存在は科学の世界から消え去られてしまったが、その存在を信じていた人々の手によって生まれたのが今回「Ethereal Beings」展で展示している鉱石ラジオである。
この鉱石ラジオは、1930年代祖父が阿蘇の火山研究所で地震観測の仕事に就いていた時、孤独な山頂での生活の中で、外の世界とのつながりを求め自作し、そのかすかな音に耳を傾けたとの記述を元に2015年に熊本市現代美術館で参加した「Stance or Distance」 展のために父と一緒に作ったものである。私が幼少期を過ごした、原子爆弾の開発を目的として発展した砂漠の中にある小さな街、アメリカのニューメキシコ州、ロスアラモスの近くで採れた鉱石を使い、制作したものだ。この鉱石ラジオはゲルマニウムダイオードなどの開発により1940年代には姿を消した。



今回の展示では、 このかつて人々を魅了し、現代は忘れ去られてしまったものたちとともに、光と風が通り、人々が食を通して交感し合う場所「Farmoon」で日々生まれる色彩の数々を纏ったシルクオーガンジー、それらから抽出された五色の糸で吊るしたウランビーズ、そして鉱石ラジオを通して聴こえるここを訪れた人やこの場所に関わる人々の声や音の数々などを用いて、目には見えないけれど在る物たちを身体性を通して感受できる作品へと昇華することを試みる。

Photo: Yujiro Sagami